1. How is the case constructed? (i.e. How much protection does it offer?)
- Plywood & Wood Laminate Cases - Very strong, but not as light as composite. If you plan to run over your case with your car, or to drop it off the top bleacher at the football game, this is the kind of case you want. Wooden cases also maintain more consistent humidity levels than any other kind of case. Our favorite maker is Bobelock. Their cases are consistently well-made, rugged, extremely protective, long-lasting, practical, and handsome.
- Fiberglass Cases - Attractive and colorful, glossy exteriors. The kids love these. Not as light as composite. Strong and resistant to crushing, but not as durable as wood - fiberglass will crack or break if dropped on a hard surface or banged about. All cases get abused from time to time, so fiberglass cases don't tend to last as long as wood. Also fiberglass finish tends to get scratched up. See: Bobelock Fiberglass Violin Cases
- Composite Cases - Attractive and colorful exteriors. Extremely lightweight. Depending on the composite used, these cases can be quite strong, though not as resistant to crushing as wood. Composite cases are typically heat-molded, so you'll want to avoid leaving it in the hot car, or even in direct sunlight, or the case could warp enough that you can't properly close the lid. (Of course, you wouldn't do that to your instrument anyway!) High-end composite cases tend to be the best choice for those seeking to combine lightness/ease-of-travel with professional-level protection. See: Bam Hightech Violin Cases and Jaeger Violin Cases. Note that we don't carry many different lines of this type of case. That's not because they aren't popular. But, we're particular about our cases not having warranty claims or giving our customers troubles. And, cheap composite cases tend to do that. Bam is one line that we will endorse. The only issues we've had are from customers leaving their cases in the sun/heat. Jaeger is another. The Jaeger cases are in a class of their own - superbly made with attention to the finest details. People tend to buy Bam cases because they are extremely lightweight. People by Jaeger because they are gorgeous. We've tried carrying other manufacturer's composite cases and in the end have had to remove them all from our site.
- Injected Foam / Polyurethane Cases - Injected polyurethane foam (not to be confused with cheap polystyrene foam) is a fantastic material for violin cases. It is soft enough to absorb shocks and bumps, preventing those shocks from reaching the instrument; and yet firm enough to provide good structural support to the shell of the case. It is lightweight. And, it is an excellent thermal insulator, helping to keep out the cold. Some cases are made entirely of polyurethane, with a simple canvas cover over the outside. Other cases use a layer of polyurethane, combined with a composite shell. Again, we recommend Bam cases. Bam's hightech line is a composite shell with a polyurethane lining. Bam Hightech Violin Cases Note that Bam also makes their "classic" cases without the hard shell. They are pure polyurethane foam, with just a canvas cover. Sounds crazy, but these are extremely protective. We don't list them, but can get them for you, by request. Just give us a call.
A note about protectiveness . . . The strength of the shell, i.e. crush strength, is an important consideration. But, be sure to ask also about:
Shock Protection - How well the case absorbs and dissipates bangs and bumps, preventing the shock of such impacts from damaging the instrument.Thermal Protection - How well the case keeps out heat and, especially, cold.
Case Suspension - Cushions that lift and suspend the instrument within the case. Be sure your fine instrument isn't going to be sitting flat on the bottom of the case.
2. How heavy is the case?
Modern violin cases range in weight from about 8 lb. down to just a few lb. Most of the lightest cases are constructed of polystyrene foam and are not recommended except for inexpensive, student instrument. However, some high-end composite cases combine lightness with professional protection. See: Bam Hightech Violin Cases Still, if weight is not a particular issue for you, a slightly heavier wooden case is often the best overall choice.
3. How durable is the case?
Many cases look wonderful in a picture, but are made with cheap parts that don't last. We recommend asking your dealer what complaints they've had from other customers, and how often they receive warranty claims. Regardless of how nice it looks, a case isn't much use if the zipper breaks or the handle falls off. (Note: We refuse to stock lines of cases that don't hold up over time, which is why you won't see certain manufacturers listed in our pages.) Also important to consider . . . How fragile is the shell and finish of the case? Does it scratch or dent easily? Note: Case covers are available for many cases, and go a long way toward keeping the finish looking new.
4. Is the case comfortable to carry?
If you plan to carry your case backpack-style, be sure to ask about what straps come with the case and how comfortable they are. The size and shape of the case will also affect how it sits on your back and how top-heavy it may feel. If you commute with your case, you may also find a subway strap useful (strap/handle on the end of the case that allows the player to hold it upright while standing).
5. Does it have the pockets / internal space that I need?
If you plan to carry music in your case, ask if it has a music pocket, and whether the pocket is half or full-length. If you usually keep your shoulder rest in your case, be sure that it has a shoulder rest strap or pocket.
6. How easily/securely does the case open and close?
Avoid cheap or difficult-to-operate latches. And, consider what zippers, snaps, and flaps you'll have to move out of the way every time you wish to open the case. Ask your dealer if they have ever had complaints or returns due to defective latches on the case in question. Also, take note of whether or not the case has a latch at all - some rely entirely on the zipper to keep the case closed.
7. How is humidity measured and controlled in this case?
Does the case come with a hygrometer? Is the hygrometer analog or digital. (Digital is much more accurate, but requires batteries and isn't as classy looking.) Does the case come with a humidifier? If not, does the case have a clip where a humidifier can be mounted, if purchased separately? Note: Wooden cases maintain a more stable humidity level than composite cases, since the wood absorbs excess moisture and releases it when needed.
8. How difficult is this case going to be to get past the check counter at the airport?
Airlines are now required to allow violinists to bring their instruments with them onto the plane, as long as there is room in the overhead compartment or under the seat. But, a smaller case is more likely to get through without a hassle, and is more likely to fit in the required space.
9. What is the warranty?
Even the best manufacturers make mistakes, from time to time. Does this case come with a manufacturer's warranty? How long is the coverage period? What does it cover? In the event of a warranty claim, will the dealer assist you personally in getting the problem resolved? If not, you'll most likely need to mail the case to the manufacturer for repair. If the case comes with no warranty, there is probably a reason for that; some cases are just not built to last.
10. How is this case going to make me feel?
Ok, so this is really a question for you, not for the dealer. But it's an important one. Before making the investment in a high-end case, think about what you want this case to say about you when you walk down the street, into rehearsal, or to the jam session at the local pub. Are you a classy professional? A stylishly-modern fiddler? With such a wide variety of colors and styles to choose from, be sure to choose one that says something positive about who you are, and what makes you - you.