The Notes of the First Position and Their Fingerings

Below each note is a letter-number combination. The number indicates the finger of the left hand that will be used to play the note. The letter indicates the string upon which the finger will be placed. These letter/number combinations are not accepted musical notation - they are just a way of showing you here which fingers and strings will be used to play the notes. You'll need to memorize this, because when you're reading music, only the notes on the staff will be written.
1st finger = index finger
2nd finger = middle finger
3rd finger = ring finger
4th finger = pinky
A 0 indicates an open string (no fingers).
Thus, the first note, marked G0 is played by bowing the open G string. The second note, marked G1 is played by placing the 1st finger on the G string.
G4 and D0 produce the same tone.
D4 and A0 produce the same tone.
A4 and E0 produce the same tone.
Notice that each note on the staff is played by the same finger, regardless of whether that note is natural, sharp, or flat (at least for beginners). For example, a note placed on the lowest open space of the staff indicates an F. When when you see that note, you'll know that you should place your second finger on the D string, regardless of whether the F is natural, sharp, or flat. Only the placement of the finger will change. Click here for a diagram showing where to place your fingers in the first position to play the natural notes. (If you haven't yet learned about naturals, sharps, and flats, don't worry. We'll get to that.)